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The Multilayer_elliptic Component

Elliptic multilayer mirror



Reads reflectivity values from a data input file (Ref.dat) for a Si/W multilayer.
The multilayer code reflects ray in an ideal geometry, does not include surface imperfections

The mirror is positioned such that the long axis of the mirror elliptical surface coincides with

The algorithm:
Incoming photon's coordinates and direction (k-vector) are transformed into an elliptical reference frame
(elliptical parameters are calculated according to the mirror's position and its focusing distances and the
incident angle), the intersection point is then defined. A new, reflected photon is then starting at the
point of intersection.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
reflectivity_datafile Datafile containing reflectivity values as a function of q and E."reflectivity.txt"
thetadeg.Design angle of incidence.1.2
s1mDesign distance from the source to the multilayer.
s2mDesign focusing distance of the multilayer.
lengthmLength of the mirror.0.5
widthmWidth of the mirror along x-axis.0.2
EminkeVLower limit of energy interval in datafile. Overrides what's written in the datafile header.-1
EmaxkeVUpper limit of energy interval in datafile. Overrides what's written in the datafile header.-1
EstepkeVStep between energy sample points in datafile. Overrides what's written in the datafile header.-1
Gamma High electron density fraction of bilayer (in kinematical appr.).0
LambdamThickness of bilayer (in kinematical appr.).0
rho_AB Number electron density constrast in bilayer (in kinematical appr.).0
N Number of bilayers (in kinematical appr.).0


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Generated on 2023-12-19 19:37:45