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The Wiggler Component

Model of a wiggler source



A source model based on the derivation from B.D. Patterson, Am. J. Phys. 79, 1046 (2011); doi: 10.1119/1.3614033

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
verbose if nonzero, output extra information0
E0keVCenter of emitted energy spectrum (overrides lambda0)0
dEkeVHalf-width of emitted energy spectrum0
lambda0AACenter of emitted wavelength spectrum0
dlambdaAAHalf-width of emitted wavelength spectrum-1
phase Initial phase of radiation.0
randomphase If !=0 phase will be random (I.e. the emitted radiation is completely incoherent)1
EeGeVStorage ring electron energy (typically a few GeV)2.4
IeARing current0.4
tbunchsBunch length. 0 means continous source.0
t0sDelay of the first bunch from t=00
BTPeak magnet field strength1.6
K Dimensionless undulator parameter. overrides B.3
gapmWiggler gap.1e-3
Nper Number of magnetic periods in the wiggler1
lengthmLength of the Wiggler.1
sigey Electron ring beam size in vertical plane (rms)0
sigex Electron ring beam size in horizontal plane (rms)0
focus_xwmWidth of target window0
focus_yhmHeight of target window0
distmDistance from source plane to target window along the optical axis1
gauss_t if 0 the target window will be sampled uniformly and the weight adjusted accordingly, otherwise we will use a gaussian sampling scheme.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-12-19 19:37:45